

One Vehicle

The buddha vehicle 佛乘. The term "vehicle" 乘 symbolizes a means of conveyance. The Buddha taught the doctrine of the One Vehicle to enable sentient beings to practice it, thereby liberating them from the suffering of samsara and transporting them to the ultimate goal of nirvana (the other shore). This One Vehicle is metaphorically represented by a magnificent chariot adorned with seven treasures, driven by a great white ox. When the Buddha appeared in the world, his initial intention was to directly teach the Lotus Sutra. However, considering the varied spiritual capacities of sentient beings, the Buddha first expounded the Three Vehicles to gradually prepare them. The Lotus Sutra reveals that initially, the Three Vehicles were taught separately to pave the way for the One Vehicle. Eventually, during the period of the Lotus Sutra, the practices of the smaller Three Vehicles 三乘 were unified into the more expansive practice of the One Vehicle. 〔法華經卷一方便品、卷二譬喻品〕